Getting Started with SmartVault Certified Vault


Certified Vault is a SmartVault add-on—powered by DocuSign—that lets you get electronic signatures from your clients and manage authoritative copies, so they meet UCC 9-105 requirements.

Certified Vault is an add-on available for purchase with Enterprise plans. Please contact our Support Team to add Certified Vault.

Requesting Signatures in Certified Vault

To send a Signature request for authoritative copies in Certified Vault:

  1. Sign in to the SmartVault Portal.
  2. Select View Files and Folders from the navigation sidebar.
  3. Go to the document you need to get signed as an authoritative copy.
  4. Click Get Signature - Authoritative Copy .

    Image of sample page in View Files and Folders with get signature button. See information above

  5. SmartVault sends the document to DocuSign. When asked to finish the request, click OK.

    Image of signature request confirmation window. See information above

  6. In DocuSign, edit the document (optional), select your recipient, and click Send.
  7. SmartVault receives, verifies, and acknowledges authoritative copies and becomes the designated custodian. You can view authoritative copies in the SmartVault portal.

Viewing Authoritative Copies

When signed documents are returned to SmartVault, SmartVault stores them in client folders in Firm>Authoritative Copy Documents.

Authoritative document client folders contain the authoritative copies and summary files of each document you requested in Certified Vault. Summary files list the transaction events and certify the completion of the vaulting process.


Only Administrators and certified Vault users can manage authoritative copies.

To view authoritative copies in SmartVault:

  1. Sign in to the SmartVault Portal.
  2. Click View Files and Folders in the navigation bar.
  3. Go to Firm>Authoritative Copy>Copy Documents.

    Image of authorative copy document folder in the View Files and Folders page. See information above

  4. Open the client folder and go to the document folder.


    Note These files cannot be changed or downloaded.

  5. Authoritative copy documents have "Signed" in the file name and are watermarked. Double-click on the authoritative copy or summary file to preview it.

    Image of sample signed document in the portal. See information above


Download the Certified Vault Overview to learn more about this SmartVault feature.  

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