Exporting your List of Clients from SmartVault


With SmartVault, you can export your list of clients to a CSV file. This action can benefit the following cases:

  • To review the client list all in one CSV
  • To see which clients are Archived or marked as Private
  • To see which clients have the same contact email

To export your clients list to a CSV file:

  1. Sign in to the SmartVault Portal.
  2. Select Client Management in the left sidebar.
  3. Click Actions  next to Add Client and select Export to CSV.
    CM - Actions button.png
  4. An alert message appears. Click the x to close it.
  5. After your request completes, you will receive an email with a link to download the exported file.
    CM - Export clients list email.png
    In addition, the CSV file is available in the Client List folder inside the System Reports vault in your Firm container so you can access it anytime.
    FF - Clients List folder.png
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