Configuring UltraTax for SmartRouting


To use SmartRouting effectively with UltraTax, you must ensure the software is configured correctly. Follow these steps to set up UltraTax and streamline your document routing.

Enable Full Client IDs

UltraTax shortens client IDs longer than nine characters by default. To ensure accurate routing, enable the full client ID as the PDF copy name in UltraTax's security settings:

  1. In UltraTax, go to Setup > Security.
  2. Enter your Master Password to access security settings, then click Continue.
    SR - UltraTax Master PW.png
  3. Check the box for Use client ID as the PDF copy name.
    SR - UltraTax Security Conf.png
  4. Click OK to save your changes.

By enabling this option, SmartRouting will recognize the full client ID for accurate document routing.

Verify Naming Conventions

UltraTax uses a specific file naming convention to generate documents. To ensure SmartRouting works effectively, verify that the naming convention aligns with the SmartRouting formula configured in SmartVault:

{Tax Year}_{Client ID}_{Client Name}_{Documenttype}

This naming structure helps SmartRouting identify and route documents to the correct client folders.

  Critical Requirement

The Client Name and Client ID must match the details in SmartVault exactly. This ensures SmartRouting can recognize and route documents accurately. Verify these details in both systems before continuing.

To configure naming conventions:

  1. In UltraTax, go to Setup > Office Configuration.
  2. Click the Print Options tab and select PDF File Options.
  3. Adjust the Variable Position to match the SmartRouting formula:
    • For example, Tax Year should be in Position 1, Client ID in Position 2, Client Name in Position 3, and Document Name in Position 4.
    • If you want to include the postal code in the generated file name from UltraTax, select “After Document Name” in the Include Postal Code field. This step is crucial because, otherwise, the routing will not work correctly.
    • You can preview your settings using the File Name Example field and ensure they correspond with the SmartRouting formula.
      UT - PDF File Options dialog K1 (After doc name).png
  4. Before setting the formula, make an important check:
    • Click on the Document Names tab.
    • Verify the Use custom names for PDFs option is not selected. The document names must follow UltraTax's default naming convention for compatibility with SmartRouting.
  5. Click OK to set the formula.
Here's an animated guide illustrating the steps visually. If it appears too small, simply click the Expand icon KB - Expand icon.png in the bottom right corner to enlarge it.
Configuring UltraTax for SmartRouting.gif


    • A precise match between UltraTax's naming convention and SmartRouting's formula is critical for correct routing.
    • See all document types in the "Documenttype" Parameter Reference Table for the naming convention.
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