Docdown: Formulas and Expressions


Elevate your document automation in Docdown using formulas and functions. Functions allow you to adjust your document's content dynamically based on specific criteria.

Available Functions

These are some advanced pre-defined functions you can use with your field values in the formula section of the document editor.

Function Name Description Parameters Example Usage


random(n) Generates a random number within the range [0, n). n: upper limit (optional, default=1)
n! Calculates the factorial of n.  n: number
min(a,b,…) Identifies the smallest number in a given list. a, b, …: list of numbers
min(3, 7, 1)
max(a,b,…) Identifies the largest number in a given list. a, b, …: list of numbers
max(3, 7, 1)
hypot(a,b) Calculates the hypotenuse or the square root of the sum of the squares of its arguments. a, b: sides of a right triangle
hypot(3, 4)
pyt(a, b) Alias for hypot, calculates the hypotenuse. a, b: sides of a right triangle
pyt(3, 4)
pow(x, y) Raises x to the power of y. x: base, y: exponent
pow(2, 3)
atan2(y, x) Calculates the arc tangent of x/y, the angle in radians between (0, 0) and (x, y). y: width, x: height
atan2(90, 15)
roundTo(x, n) Rounds x to n decimal places. x: number to round, n: number of decimal places
roundTo(3.14159, 2)
map(f, a) Applies function f to each element in array a, returning an array of the results. f: function, a: array
map(f, [1, 2, 3])
fold(f, y, a) Reduces array a into a single value y by applying function f to each element. f: function, y: initial value, a: array
fold(f, 0, [1, 2, 3])
filter(f, a) Filters array a by function f, returning an array of elements for which f is true. f: function, a: array
filter(f, [1, 2, 3, 4])
indexOf(x, a) Finds the first index of value x in array a; returns -1 if not found. x: value, a: array
indexOf('Invoice', ['Report', 'Invoice', 'Memo'])
join(sep, a) Joins the elements of array a into a string, separated by sep. sep: separator, a: array
join("; ", ['Report', 'Invoice', 'Memo'])
if(c, a, b)

Evaluates condition c; returns a if true, b otherwise.

Note: always evaluates both a and b.

c: condition, a: value if true, b: value if false
if(x>10, 'High', 'Low')
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