Printing to SmartVault from Thomson Virtual Office CS


You can print documents from Virtual Office CS and upload them to SmartVault using the SmartVault PDF Printer and Connected Desktop. Since Virtual Office CS does not support housing the Connected Desktop, this method enables you to save printed files to your local computer and upload them directly to SmartVault.

The following diagram shows how documents are printed from Thomson Reuters Virtual Office apps and uploaded to SmartVault.

UT - Virtual Office diagram.png

To print your documents to SmartVault from Thomson Virtual Office CS:

  1. Select the Document to Print
    • On your Virtual Office CS, select the document you want to print.
  2. Open the Print Dialog
    • Click File on the menu bar and select the print option you need.
      Thomson VO - File Print.png
    • In the Print Preview page, click the Print icon.
  3. Choose Print to PDF
    • In the Print dialog, click Output to printer and select "Microsoft Print to PDF ####." Note: A random number will follow this option in Virtual Office.
      Thomson VO - Microsoft Print to PDF.png
  4. Save the PDF
    • In the Save Print Output As dialog, navigate to the left sidebar, select Documents, and open the Upload to SmartVault folder.
      Thomson VO - Docs - Upload to SV+.png
    • If you are using SmartRouting, select the SmartRouting folder within Upload To SmartVault, and then Step 5 will be bypassed.
      SR - SmartRouting folder VO.png
  5. Select Folder in Connected Desktop
    • After clicking Save, the Upload File to SmartVault dialog will appear.
    • Navigate to the SmartVault Connected Desktop and choose the folder where the printed document will be stored.
    • Once you've selected the folder, return to the Upload File to SmartVault dialog and click Connected Desktop to complete the upload.
      CD - Upload to SmartVault dialog CD.png

Your document will be converted to a PDF and uploaded directly to SmartVault.

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