January 2025 Release Notes

 Release Date: January 23, 2025

What was updated?

Portal Sign-In: User Logs In Without a SmartVault Account

We have improved the customer experience for users without access to any SmartVault accounts. Previously, users encountered a continuous "Loading" screen when they logged into the online Portal without an associated SmartVault account. Now, they will see a clear message explaining that they cannot access any SmartVault accounts. 

SV - Sign in with no account associated (404 page).png

Expanded Linked Clients Limit

The maximum number of clients that can be linked using the Linked Clients feature has been increased from 15 to 50.

New Workflow for Managing Vault Permissions

A new workflow has been introduced for vaults with a large number of folders. If applying permissions to all subfolders fails in the Access and Notification tab, users will be directed to add the selected user to a vault group, simplifying the process. 

What was fixed?

Enhanced Error Handling: Replacing Server Error Page with User-Friendly Screen

Previously, users encountered a server error page (the "Yellow Screen of Death" or YSoD) containing technical information that was not actionable or helpful for non-developers. Now, end users will no longer see this technical error page. Instead, a new, user-friendly screen will display, providing a clear message and a link to contact the support team for assistance. 


SV - YSoD - Server error page.png


SV - Server error page.png

SmartRouting to Archived Client

Resolved an issue where the SmartRouting feature could not route documents to archived clients. Now, SmartRouting works for active and archived clients.

Ensuring Consistency in Client Merge

We have enhanced the client merge experience in the Connected Desktop to align with the styling found in the Online Portal.

File Handling during Client Merge

Resolved an issue where merging clients with identical file names and extensions into the same folder path resulted in files not being transferred. Now, when files with the same name and extension are carried over during a merge, the system automatically adds "(1)" to the new file name in the merged client folder, ensuring no files are lost.

Activity Log Option Removed for Non-Admin Users on Standard Plan

Previously, non-admin users on Standard plans could see the Activity Log navigation button on the Settings page. However, since non-admin users cannot access the Activity Log, clicking the link leads to a blank page. To improve the user experience, we have removed the Activity Log option from the Settings page for non-admin users on the Standard plan.

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