To enhance your search, use wildcards to search for matching elements. When matching on a wildcard, these rules apply:
- You have to match a minimum of 3 characters. Doc* matches, do* does not. 201* matches, 20* does not.
- Wildcards do not match at the front of a string. ?ccounting does not work, but account* does work.
- Pass date strings in quotes. “2012 July*”.
After completing this how-to, you should understand how to use enhanced search.
- Use the keywords OR and AND to combine search terms. (AND and OR are not case sensitive)
- You can also use parentheses characters () to group a search expression.
- valueA valueB — returns content that contains both valueA and valueB key words
- valueA AND valueB — same as previous example; returns content that contains both valueA and valueB key words
- valueA OR valueB — returns content that contains either valueA or valueB key words
- valueA OR valueB AND valueC — returns content that contains either valueA or valueB key words and also contains valueC
- valueA OR (valueB AND valueC) — returns content that contains either valueA or contains both valueB and valueC
To truly get the most out of an online document storage system, you should always consider creating guidelines for naming documents before you start. For more information on file naming best practices, see this webpage at Exadox Ten Rules for Filenaming Best Practice.