Creating New Containers and Redistributing Clients in the Portal


This article explains how to create new containers and how to redistribute clients.


This feature is only available for Accountants' plans or plans with Intuit Tax.

Container names must be exactly three characters, including the "-" character. For example, A-D would be a valid container name, but A- or AA-BZ would not be valid container names.


  1. You must create all of your new containers first and then redistribute your clients accordingly.
  2. Creating overlapping containers (for example, A-A and A-D) and redistributing your clients from one to the other will not work.
  3. You cannot create sub-containers (a container within another container). We do not currently support this functionality.

Creating a New Container

For this article, we will use the example of creating a "0-9" Container.

  1. Sign in to the SmartVault Portal.
  2. Select Files and Folders.


  3. Click on Clients container.


  4. Click the Add button and select New container.


  5. On the Create new container modal, enter the Container name and click Create container.


  6. With the new Container "0-9" created, navigate to the Files and Folders view by clicking the SmartVault icon on the breadcrumbs.


  7. Click the Actions button Actions_icon.png for the Clients container and select Properties.


  8. Select the Redistribute Clients tab and click Submit Redistribute Request.


  9. Your client Vaults will redistribute automatically to the correct Container.

Depending on the number of client Vaults to redistribute, the process may take some time, but you should receive an email notification from SmartVault when it is complete.

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