Changing your Default Page Size in the SmartVault Portal


Although the Files and Folders view is the default view for guests and tax clients, users can also specify the page size of their default view in the SmartVault Portal. The page size setting allows you to see more files and folders displayed on each page.

View Preferences will also directly affect the client's view in the Dashboard, giving you the ability to select up to 100 clients at once, which allows you to invite or create new engagements for up to 100 clients at a time.

Changing Your Default Page Size

  1. Sign in to the SmartVault Portal.
  2. Click your initials in the upper right and select Settings.


  3. Under User Settings, click View Preferences.
  4. In the Page Size field, select the default size you would prefer and click Save Changes.


    Guest users can also use the feature Rows per page at the bottom of the Files and Folders page and specify the maximum number of rows they want to appear per page for the active browser session.

  5. To see your new default view, click Home.
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