Managing Client Email Addresses in SmartVault

Over time, you may need to update or add a client's email address to your SmartVault account. This may occur after printing a tax return from Lacerte/ProSeries or importing a client from these platforms without an email address in SmartVault. The following steps will guide you through this process.

Adding or Updating Client Contact Information

  1. Sign in to the SmartVault Portal.
  2. Select Client Management from the left navigation menu.


  3. Locate the client you want to edit and click on them to open the Client Details page.

    CM - Select client.png

  4. On the Client Details page, click Edit.

    CM - Edit Client+.png

  5. In the email section, update the existing email address or click + Add Email to include a new one.
    CM - Edit client email.png
  6. Edit any other contact information as needed and click Save Client.

    CM - Save client email.png


    For Entity clients (Business or Organization), you can designate any contact as primary by clicking the Set as Primary button for that contact.

Ensuring Access with Updated Email

After updating your client's email address, it's essential to ensure they can access their vault with the new email:

  1. Invite the Client: Following the email update, you must send a new invitation using the updated email address so they can access their vault.
  2. Remove Access for Previous Email (Optional): You can remove access to the vault associated with the client's previous email address.


You can also update the client contact page in Lacerte/ProSeries and reimport the client into SmartVault using the Import Client utility.

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