Changing Your Account Properties


In SmartVault, account properties are specified by the person who created your SmartVault account. 

Administrators can change these fields from the Account Properties page in the SmartVault Portal:

  • Account Name - This is the name of the account as it appears to users.
  • Company Name - This is the name of the company that owns the account.
  • Address - This is the street address of the company owning the account.
  • Primary Contact - This is the recipient of all SmartVault communications, including billing notices.
  • Account Settings - See screenshot below.


If the account is Affiliate-enabled, you will also see a section for Affiliate code and links at the top of the page.


Changing Account Information 

  1. Sign in to the SmartVault Portal.
  2. Select the account for which you would like to change account information.
  3. Click the initials at the top right corner of the page and select Settings. 
  4. Under Manage Account, click Account Properties.


    If you do not see a View Properties link in the right task pane when you click on the account, your SmartVault user ID is not a member of the SmartVault Administrators group for the account.

  5. Make your changes, and then click Save Settings.


    If you disable the "Allow Users to modify their notification settings" checkbox, your clients cannot change their settings. However, administrators and Vault administrators will still be able to modify their notification settings. 

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