How does SmartVault affect my network bandwidth?


SmartVault and Your Network's Bandwidth

Most customers who run a business are likely to have pretty good bandwidth as a part of the service they receive from their Internet Service Provider (ISP). On average, we've seen speeds ranging from 6 -10 MB/s for downloads and 1-2 MB/s for uploads.
Some customers may have a high download speed (20 - 40 MB/s), but their upload speed may be low (1 MB/s). 

As your office relies more and more on cloud services, it is a good idea to increase your service level with your ISP and get the highest level of bandwidth you can afford. 

Factors When Determining Bandwidth

Although we don't have any official or tested recommendations for how much bandwidth you will need to work with SmartVault, some of the factors to be considered are:

  • How many people are using the Internet from the office or home
  • Whether or not you are using Voice Over IP (VOIP) for your phone lines
  • Whether or not you are sharing an ISP service with other firms or offices
  • How much data are you uploading and downloading
  • How many other cloud services are you using

SmartVault Does Not Throttle

SmartVault does not throttle the bandwidth based on usage. Our software manages data transfers on a separate line from data access to allow our customers to have the best experience. 

For example, when you upload and download large amounts of data, we use our transfer protocol instead of when you're just signing into SmartVault and navigating your account, vaults, and files and folders.

We do not charge for bandwidth or data transfer amounts. Your account is based on the number of user/client licenses and the amount of disk space you use.

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