Viewing, Downloading, and Printing your Invoices


As a SmartVault user, it's essential to manage your billing history to keep track of expenses, reconcile accounts, and provide documentation for tax purposes. Viewing, downloading, and printing invoices will help you maintain accurate financial records.

To view, download and print your invoices:

  1. Sign in to the SmartVault Portal
  2. Click on your initials at the top of the screen, and click Settings.
  3. Click Billing under Account Settings. Account_settings_-_Billing.png
  4. Click Billing History.
  5. The Billing History screen shows an overview of all invoices issued for your account. 


    The Billing history section only shows invoices raised after the migration to the new billing system. This information is particularly important for customers who joined SmartVault before the migration, as it ensures that you have access to all relevant financial information in one place. By understanding this limitation, you can better manage your billing history and ensure that you have access to all the invoices you need for your financial records.

  6. To download invoices, click Download next to any line item.
  7. The pdf copy of the invoice will appear in your browser's download bar. Click the file name to open it.
  8. You can view, save, and print the pdf copy of the invoice.
  9. To print the invoice, select CTRL + P.
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