Sending a Password-Protected File


With SmartVault Connected Desktop, you can send password-protected PDF files to any recipient who isn't a customer or guest of your account. Before sending, you can change the PDF file(s), including/excluding annotations, deleting pages, and changing a page's orientation. 

  Important Notes

    • File Type: Only PDF files can be sent as password-protected. If the file you are attempting to send is not a PDF, the option to select "Password protect and encrypt all PDF documents" in the Email Files - SmartVault dialog will not appear.
    • Email Client Requirements: You can only send files using an email client (email service accessed through desktop programs). Browser-based email services like Gmail are not supported.

To send a password-protected file:

  1. Open the SmartVault Connected Desktop.
  2. Locate and select the file(s) you want to send.
  3. Right-click the file(s) and choose Send to > Mail Recipient
  4. In Email Files - SmartVault:
    • Ensure the file is a PDF.
    • Check the box for Password protect and encrypt all PDF documents sent in this email, then click Send
  5. Enter a password for the file. 


    Share this password with the recipient so they can access the file.

  6. Click OK. The PDF will be attached to an email message in your default email program.
  7. Enter the recipient's email address(es). Optionally, you can edit the email subject and customize the default message to inform the recipient of the password required to access the file.
  8. Click Send
    Here's an animated guide illustrating the steps visually. If it appears too small, simply click the Expand icon KB - Expand icon.png in the bottom right corner to enlarge it. 
    Sending a Password-Protected File.gif

Troubleshooting Tips

  • If the option to password-protect your file is not available, ensure that:
    • The file is in PDF format.
    • You are using a supported email client.
  • For additional assistance, contact SmartVault Support.
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