Applies only to customers on Accounting Pro plans.
The Send Financial Statements workflow streamlines the process of printing financial statements to SmartVault and notifying clients that they are available for download. The Sent Financial Statements Dashboard gives you the ability to see at a glance.
- Customers who have been sent a statement for the particular month
- Customers who have downloaded and viewed the statement
- And the ability to send a reminder to those who haven't yet downloaded
Send Financial Statements Feature
There are two parts to the Send Financial Statements workflow:
- Uploading the financial statement to the correct client vault and subfolder within SmartVault.
- Sending a secure link of the file to the customer and tracking the document (if needed).
Once you have created the client in SmartVault, you can easily print a financial statement via the SmartVault PDF Printer and upload it to the appropriate client's folder using the Auto-Filer feature.
To tag a document as a Financial Statement in the Auto-Filer, you must select the following options:
- Select engagement type = Accounting Services
- Select an existing tag = Financial Statement Set
If you haven't created an Accounting Services folder for your client, the Auto-Filer will automatically create the needed folders and grant your client access to those folders based on the Accounting Services folder template.
Once the financial statement has been tagged and sorted by the Auto-Filer, the Send Financial Statements console in the Dashboard will show which clients' financial statements have been printed to SmartVault. If the financial statement has been properly tagged and printed to SmartVault, you can quickly notify selected clients that their statements are ready for downloading.
The Send Financial Statements filter will also show which clients have downloaded their financial statements and track which clients have sent notifications and reminder emails.
Learn how to send Financial Statements to your clients.
The Send Financial Statements workflow saves a lot of time. It also keeps the documents secure and allows you to oversee the process of sharing financial statements with (potentially) thousands of clients from one simple-to-use console. Quickly do the following:
- Print the financial statement and route it to the correct folder
- Identify the statements that are ready to share and notify clients
- Validate that the client has downloaded the statements
- Remind the clients that have yet to download their financial statement
- You must have a SmartVault Plan that includes the SmartVault Dashboard, or you will not have access to the Send Financial Statements workflow.
- You must create the client in SmartVault first so that the Auto-Filer can properly tag and route their financial statement.
- The Auto-Filer defaults to an Accounting Services template that includes monthly subfolders. If you have removed or modified these monthly folders, the Send Financial Services workflow may no longer work; please contact SmartVault Customer Support for help.
- By default, the Send Financial Statements console displays financial statements for Corporate clients printed to SmartVault during the current month and year. It is possible to filter by other client types (i.e., Partnership, Estate, "All," etc.) and by different months and years.
- If you have created a new client already but do not see their name listed within the Auto-File, please open the Connected Desktop and refresh your client list.