Removing the Client Copy or Government Filing Copy from Your Tax Return Email Template When Sending a Tax Return Email Fails


When sending a tax return to a client, you may receive a message indicating that your email failed.

Click the Details link for more details.

When you click Details, you'll receive a warning message informing you that you have yet to print a Government Filing Copy or Client Copy tax return for this client. If you intend to send these tax return types to a client, print the missing copy from Lacerte or ProSeries to SmartVault.

However, if you don't want to send either the Government Filing Copy or the Client Copy to your clients, follow the steps in this article to remove references in your email template before sending out the tax return email to your client.


Do not delete both of these tax return types. You should only delete one type and leave the other if you intend to share tax returns with your clients by using SmartVault.

Removing the Client Copy or Government Filing Copy from Your Tax Return Email Template

  1. Sign in to the SmartVault Portal.
  2. Click Email Templates.
  3. Locate and select the email template labeled Tax Return.
  4. Be sure to carefully read the email template and delete any included language that references the tax return copy you want to remove. You can also customize this email any way you want.
  5. When you're finished editing the template, click Save changes.

You should no longer receive a warning message when you attempt to send a tax return to a client without printing the Client Copy or Government Filing Copy.

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