Navigating the Files View in Dashboard


The SmartVault Files view in the Dashboard is an area that you can easily navigate to see your client vaults, folders, public documents, and internal documents. The Files view displays access to view details, getting links to files, sending links, modifying access and notification, recycle bin, and activity log.

After completing this how-to, you will understand navigating to your files and knowing where to utilize available actions with files and folders.

Navigating the Files View

  1. The Files View icon is located on the bottom left side with a folder icon of the Dashboard view. Click on the symbol with the folder icon.
  2. In the files view, you will see the name of your account on the top left of the screen and 3 containers in a list: Clients, Employees, and Firm. Feel free to select your desired container by clicking on the container's name that you would like to open. For this example, a client vault is selected, displaying the content to the right.

    The Container labeled "Clients" was selected then the "A-D" Container was selected, which displays the client's name.

    The left side of the screen will show you a file path. The view in the middle that takes up most of your screen will display selected vault or folder content.

  3. The toolbar is used to perform actions with your files and folders such as: Selecting All, Creating Folders, Uploading, Refreshing content, Searching, and viewing the Container or Item properties.

    Now that you have found the features of the toolbar. You can also upload by dragging and dropping files from your computer desktop into a folder in files view.

    The picture below displays a document that is selected and the tools available to use.

    Selected files to Upload

    • Select files from your computer to upload to the folder.
    • Send Selected files to the trash.
    • Sends the selected file to the recycle bin for that specific folder.

    Move Selected Items

    • Move the selected item to another folder location.

    Copy Selected Items

    • Keeps the document in the original location, allowing you to choose an additional location to store a copy.

    Create New Folder

    • Create a new folder to be able to organize files.


    • Reloads the content area to display the latest view of the location.


    • Documents are searchable by title and content inside the document.

    The image below shows the preview feature for a document by clicking the eye symbol.

    You can download documents to your local computer.

    The last icon is the Item properties.

Item Properties

File Details

  • Displays when the file was Created, Modified, Size, and Description.

Get Link

  • Displays a link available to copy and paste into an email message to send to people with existing access to the file.

Send Link

  • Displays users that you can select to send a link to the file with the option to put in a message.

Version History

  • Displays options for reverting to previous versions of a document printed to SmartVault.

Container Properties


  • Information about the created folder or vault selected.

Get Link

  • Displays a link available to copy and paste into an email message to send to people with existing access to the file.

Send Link

  • Displays users that you can select to send a link to the file with the option to put in a message.

Access and Notifications

  • Displays users, clients, and guests with Read, Write, Create, Delete, Upload, and Download notifications.

Recycle Bin

  • Every folder has its own recycle bin that allows you to retrieve a deleted file within 90 days.

Activity Log

  • Displays user activity such as when a file was created, deleted, and downloaded with more detail involved, such as the IP address, Message, Name of the file, Path, Event, User type, and the timestamp for when the activity took place.


  • If you do not see the latest changes in the window, click the refresh button to load the latest changes.
  • When sending files or getting links to, keep in mind that you can only send files to invited clients, users, and guests.
  • Access and Notifications will only show you the existing template settings from the manage folder template area and will be there if you need to override existing settings. For example, granting "create" access for clients to upload to a manually created folder.
  • The Recycle Bin has a 90 day recovery period and is folder specific.
  • The Activity Log is also file-specific and allows you to see changes that have been made to your files and folders.
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