Customizing Folder Names Within SmartVault Templates

SmartVault's template-driven structure simplifies folder creation within your account. These templates automatically generate folders for various account activities, such as adding clients, launching new engagements, or onboarding employees. Learn how to customize folder names generated by SmartVault's folder templates to enhance your account's organization.

  Important Reminder

Directly renaming folders in your account does not effectively change the names of folders generated by templates. Follow the steps below for a proper update.

How To Customize Folder Names

  1. Sign in to the SmartVault Portal.
  2. Click the initials at the top right corner of the page, and then select Settings.
  3. Under Account Settings, click Manage Folder Templates.
    Settings - Manage Folder Templates option.png
  4. Your account includes default templates. To modify tax engagement folder names, for example, click View and edit templates within the Tax Engagement template section.
    Manage folder templates edit.png
  5. The template displays the folders that SmartVault uses when you create a tax engagement for a client. Identify the folder you wish to rename and click on the gear icon next to it, then select Edit folder.
    Manage Folder Templates - Edit Folder.png
  6. In the "Name" field, input your new folder name, then click Settings - save changes.png.
    Manage Folder Templates - Save changes.png


For additional information, check our Managing Your Folder Templates article.

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