Release Notes


SmartVault Release Notes for February 2020   

Release Date: March 2, 2020 

New Features 

All of these new features are for SmartVault Structured plans: Tax Prep, Accounting, and SmartVault for Everyone – Pilot.


Projects let you create a non-time bound engagement for customers who need a project that is not related to a specific year. Projects allow you to leverage our folder structure and templates to create individual and multiple projects under a particular client. 

Accounting firms can use Projects to create custom engagements, such as a Schedule C folder structure for those clients that need a separate folder structure for Schedule C returns. Non-accounting firms can use Projects for the various types of jobs they do for their customers (e.g., roofing, plumbing, kitchen rebuilds, etc.).

Assigned Employees 

Assigned Employees gives you more control over which clients your employees can see and work with. 

When an Assigned Employee logs into SmartVault, they will only see and work with the specific clients to which they are assigned. They will have full functionality for their client vault based on their role as a Firm Manager or Firm Employee. Assigned Employees can send tax returns, organizers, and financial statements to those clients to which they have access. This feature is ideal if you have a medium or large firm with lots of clients and you want to segregate access to various clients.

Added Default Client Type Qualifiers for SV4E 

If Client Type is Entity, the default Type Qualifier will be Business.

If Client Type is Person, the default Type Qualifier will be Individual.

Custom Business SKU for Large Enterprise Customer 

We created a custom SKU for large enterprise customers in the Business plan.

  • Billing Plan ID: 10001
  • Display Name: SmartVault Enterprise One
  • Cost: $625/month
  • Base plan user count: 25
  • Unlimited disk space
  • Unlimited company files
  • Seasonal workers allowed: None


  • Monthly engagements were removed from Accounting Services Engagements for UK and Tax Calc SKUs. 
  • Custom Tags now display in the Connected Desktop (create a custom tag and apply to a folder in the folder template and it shows up in the Tag dropdown in the Auto-filer). 
  • Separate Project Engagement page in the dashboard.

Known Issues 

  • A Seasonal Worker license cannot be marked as an Assigned Employee. 
  • Currently, the only way to upgrade or promote a Seasonal Employee is to remove them from the License Manager in Account Settings and add them back in as an Account or Assigned Employee from the Employee Dashboard.
  • If the Firm Manager/Firm Employee feature is used to route notifications, the new Assigned Employee Feature will render the original workaround ineffective.
  • Firm Managers and Firm Employees cannot see the numbers on the filter tiles.
  • After creating a Project for a client in the Dashboard, the page lands back on the Engagements tab.
  • A Type Qualifier cannot be deleted once it's been created. You don't necessarily need to use it, but it will show up in the UI. 

You can view historical release notes here


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