Exporting Your Client List from TaxCalc


The following video walks you through exporting your client list from TaxCalc.

To export your client list from TaxCalc:

  1. In TaxCalc, go to the Report Manager and click New Report
  2. Enter a name for the report in the Report name field (e.g., SmartVault Client List).
  3. Choose the columns shown below in the order displayed by selecting each one from the Columns Available section and clicking Add
    • Client code
    • Client type
    • Forename
    • Middle name
    • Surname
    • Email address
    • Client name
    • Contact number
  4. Once you have created your report, you will be prompted to run your report. Click Yes.
  5. Click Export Report and choose to save your report as MS Excel (not .csv). Then choose a location to save it (e.g., your desktop).
  6. Find the .xls file you created and open it.
  7. The top two lines display the date and time the report was created and the report's name. Delete these two top lines by highlighting them and pressing Delete
  8. The field names in TaxCalc differ from SmartVault, so the column headers need to be replaced. Select from the column headings below and paste them along the top line of your report:
    • Client ID
    • Client Type
    • First Name
    • Middle Name
    • Last Name
    • Email
    • Company Name
    • Home Phone
    • Work Phone
    • Fax Phone
    • Other Phone Number (Mobile)

    It should look something like this:

  9. The client types in TaxCalc are different from the client types in SmartVault.

    In TaxCalc, the client type is “Limited Company,” while in SmartVault, it is “LimitedCompany.” To rectify this, highlight the Client Type column in the report and do a Find and Replace to replace Limited Company with LimitedCompany.

    In TaxCalc, there are no Sole Traders – these are listed as Individuals. If you have any clients who may require Accounts, Payroll, or VAT folders in your CSV file, you can list them as client type "SoleTrader" (with no space), and they will go into SmartVault as a business. If they are left as individuals, they will have a reduced set of folders, including Tax for their Self-Assessment Tax Return (but not Accounts, Payroll, and VAT).

  10. Save the file as an .csv file (rather than .xls). 

Your file is now ready to import into SmartVault! For more information, see Importing New Clients via a CSV File (UK)

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