Working with Custom Groups



If you use the Tax and Accounting SmartVault plans, you have access to three custom groups. You can use custom groups to control access to specialized folders that not all employees should access. You can customize the names of these groups and populate them.

How Custom Groups Work

Let's use the example of an accounting firm that also has employees that manage investments. Since not all employees have access to investment folders, you can assign specific employees to an investment group and then set the access settings to only include the investment group.

You can create a new investment folder for a client by creating a new engagement for that client and selecting Investment as the type of engagement. If you set up your folder templates for investments following the example below, only members of your investors' group will have access to the folders created when you add engagements for investments.

You can set up other folder templates similarly for other engagement types. Note that members of any of your custom groups will also be members of your employees' group. Do not use these custom groups to limit access to those folders to which your employees' group has access.

Renaming a Custom Group

  1. Sign in to the SmartVault Portal.
  2. Click the initials at the top right corner of the page and select Settings.


  3. Under Manage Groups, click Custom Groups
  4. Click Edit Group
  5. Edit the group name(s) and click Save Changes.

Adding Users to a Custom Group

  1. Sign in to the SmartVault Portal.
  2. Click the initials at the top right corner of the page and select Settings.
  3. Under Manage Groups, click Custom Groups Members.  
  4. Select the group from the menu. 
  5. Add the appropriate employees to the group.


    Click on the employee in the left column and click Add to include the employee in this custom group. Click Add All to include all employees in this custom group. The users you add to any custom group must also be an employee in your SmartVault account.

  6. Click Save Changes.

Setting Access Controls for the Folder Template

In the example below, we will use the built-in folder template for investments.

  1. Sign in to the SmartVault Portal.
  2. Click the initials at the top right corner of the page and select Settings.
  3. Under Manage Account, click Manage Folder Templates.
  4. Click the pencil icon to edit the Investment template.
  5. Click the gear icon and select Edit folder to make changes to the folder template.
  6. Add or remove any groups to add or remove access to investment folders, respectively.


    Click the + icon to add groups and click the X icon to remove groups.

  7. If you added a group, click on the added group name and select Investors.
  8. Then, add another group, click the group name, and select Account Administrators.
  9. Set the access and/or notification settings for each group.


    Account Administrators usually have all access permissions.

  10. Click the Save changes icon to save your changes to the individual folder.
  11. Click the Save changes icon to save your changes to the overall template.
  12. Provide a description of the changes you made and click OK.
  13. Click the Apply template icon. 
  14. A confirmation message appears. Click OK
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