Setting Notifications for Folder Templates in SmartVault


Folder templates allow you to create folder structures in your account and configure folder rules. This is useful to automate everyday actions, such as adding clients, creating new engagements, or adding employees. You can, for instance, set up notifications to notify administrators when files are uploaded or downloaded into Client Engagement's Correspondence folder.   

To receive email notifications for folder templates, you will need to turn on the email notifications feature. 

Enabling Notifications for a Folder Template

  1. Sign in to the SmartVault Portal.
  2. Click your initials at the top of the page, and then click Settings.


  3. Go to Account Settings > Manage Account, and click Manage Folder Templates.


  4. Click View and edit templates View_and_edit_templates_icon.png in the toolbar and go to the template you want to edit. 
  5. Select a folder template, click Configure node Configure_node_icon.png, and then click  Edit folder.
  6. In the Notifications section, click the + icon to add a user group or the X icon to remove a user group.
  7. Select the UploadDownload, or All checkboxes to set notifications for each user group.
  8. Click Save changes Save_changes_icon.png.
  9. Enter a description of your changes, enable the Apply now checkbox, and click OK.

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