Upgrading from Tax Prep to Accounting Pro Plan

Want to do more with your SmartVault account?

You can upgrade your Tax Prep account to an Accounting Pro plan and take advantage of extra features and storage following the steps in this article.

  1. Sign in to the SmartVault Portal.
  2. Click the initials at the top right corner of the page and select Settings.


  3. Under Account Settings, click Billing.


  4. In the Update Plan section, click the drop-down under Item, select "SmartVault for Accountants - Accounting Pro," and click Save.



    Upgrading to the Accounting Pro plan will increase your billing charges by $12.50/month in the monthly cycle and $10/month in the annual cycle.

  5. After clicking Save, you are navigated to the Home page, and you can see the changes applied to your account. The new plan name is displayed (bottom left), and new functionality, such as Request Docs, will become available on the left navigation menu.
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