Getting to Know the Quoters Platform


Quoters brings an easy-to-use platform to help you create, manage, and eSign business proposals, sales documents, or pricing quotes. The integration allows the quoting and storage of approved quotes into SmartVault.

Click the hamburger menu icon QT_-_Hamburguer_icon.png to expand the side menu.


QT - Side menu.png


The Dashboard is the area you see when you log in to your Quoters account. It offers a quick view of your proposals, a search and filter functionality, and quick links to create and manage them.

QT - Dashboard new.png

You can use the action icons available for each proposal to manage them quickly. 

QT_-_Preview_icon.png Preview
Click to get a preview of the proposal, as your client will see.
QT_-_Share_icon_small.png Share
Click to share the proposal with your contact within SmartVault.
QT_-_Change_status_icon.png Change status
Click and choose the new status from Accepted or Rejected.
QT - Actions icon.png More actions
Click to select more actions, such as Archive, Clone, or Delete a proposal.


Use the search bar to locate a specific proposal within Quoters using any term you want. As you type in, Quoters highlights your search terms in yellow.

QT - Search term.png


You can filter your proposals based on four options:

  • Client Status: Accepted, Rejected, or No Status
  • Date Range
  • Proposal Status: Active, Archived or All
  • Proposal Type: All, Current clients, or Prospective clients 

You can also combine any of the options for more specific criteria.

Click Filter search results to expand the filter area and set your filter criteria.

QT - Filter.png

New Proposal

From here, you can choose one of the professionally designed templates and customize it to your needs or create your own from scratch. 

When you customize templates, you can save the modified version as your own and use it to send a proposal. It's important to note that customizing templates won't change the original template, so you can make different modifications and send them to other clients.


The Library is the place to create and manage your business costs and service rates. Maintaining a library of rates and costs will simplify pricing when preparing proposals for your clients.

To access Library, click Library from the navigation sidebar and choose Rates or Costs.



Rates allows you to create and manage the pricing for the services you provide to your clients.



Costs allows you to manage all the payments and contractual obligations you must fulfill to provide a service.

For example, a rate for a "Website creation" will be made up of at least three costs:

  • Developers working hours
  • Website template
  • Corporate photos

You can use the Costs table to define what each item in the service costs you as the provider and understand the markup level.



The Settings page lets you customize your Quoters account.

To access Settings, click Settings from the navigation sidebar.

QT - Settings left nav.png

Within Settings, you can set up the following:

  • Information - set up your business contact information, language, and time zone.
    QT - Settings - Info tab.png
  • Business Logo - upload your business logo to enhance the professional appearance of your proposals. 
  • Proposals Settings - set up the defaults for your proposals (i.e., currency, language, signature, taxes, etc.).
  • Look and Feel - set up the principal visual elements of your proposals (i.e., fonts and colors).
  • Custom Fields - create custom placeholders to add more information to your proposals. For example, if you frequently use the text "Product and Services" in your proposals, you can create a custom field and assign it to that text. This way, you can easily represent "Product and Services" in your template using the custom field while editing your proposal.
    QT - Settings - Custom fields tab.png

Uploading your Business Logo

To upload your business logo:

  1.  On the Settings page, click Update business logo under your company name. Note: We recommend your logo image to be 400x300 pixels.
    QT - Settings - Update business logo.png
  2. Choose the upload method from the left sidebar:
    • My Device (default): Click Select Files to Upload to locate your logo on your local computer, drag and drop, or copy and paste the logo file into the designated area. After selecting the logo, click Save and then Upload.
    • Link (URL): Select this option to use a logo hosted online. Enter the URL of the logo image and hit enter.
    • Google Drive: Select this option to connect to your Google account to find and upload the logo.
    • Box: Select this option to connect to your Box account to find and upload the logo.
  3. Once the logo is uploaded, ensure it is displayed correctly. Make any necessary adjustments and save your settings.
    QT - Settings - Business Logo.png
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