Troubleshooting: Organizer Email Errors


A red exclamation point appears for the status when sending organizer emails in Client Management if SmartVault cannot send the organizer to your client. This could mean that you have not printed the client's Organizers to SmartVault with Lacerte, ProSeries, or the SmartVault PD printer. Errors can also be caused by incorrect client email addresses.

Image of error message. See information above.

Printing Client Organizers to SmartVault

Correcting Email Addresses

First, have your clients check their junk mail and spam folders for your emails. If the Organizer email is not there, then check their email address in SmartVault. 

To check that your client's email address is correct in Client Management:

  1. In the SmartVault portal, go to Client Management.
  2. Click on your client's name to open their Client Details page.
  3. Click Edit and verify their email address is correct.
  4. If there is no email address or it is incorrect, enter one.
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