Depending on the product, you can save a copy of your SmartVault documents to your device (local computer, external hard drive, thumb drive, etc.).
SmartVault Portal
You can download files directly from the SmartVault Portal and save them locally to your device.
- Access the View Files and Folders area.
- Navigate to the folder containing the files you want to download.
- Select the files and click Download. The copies of the files are downloaded to your device.
SmartVault Connected Desktop
In SmartVault Connected Desktop, you can export the data, and then save it to your device.
SmartVault Drive
In SmartVault Drive, you can download all your documents at any time by dragging and dropping your SmartVault account folder to another location on your computer (a thumb drive, local folder, external drive, etc.).
To download all your documents from SmartVault to your desktop:
- Open the SmartVault Connected Desktop.
- Locate the SmartVault account folder in the Connected Desktop.
- Click and drag the folder from your Connected Desktop to any location on your computer.
You can also encrypt your data onto a flash drive or hard drive.