Who Accessed My Account?



If you receive an email notification indicating someone unexpectedly downloaded a file or folder or a large number of files and folders in your account, you might be concerned that someone may have hacked into your account.

Viewing a document in the SmartVault Portal or SmartVault Drive downloads the file and is logged in SmartVault, which generates a notification. Some reasons why files are opened:

  • The file may have been opened intentionally or unintentionally by the specific user.
  • Your A/V software may have scanned the file or folders through the SmartVault Drive.


  1. Verify with the user that the user has not viewed the file, intentionally or unintentionally.
  2. Have the user change their SmartVault password if compromised to disable access with the old password.
  3. Disable the scan network drive option in your antivirus software.
  4. Download a copy of your Activity Logs.
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