Uploading Files from TaxCalc to SmartVault


In order to upload files from TaxCalc into SmartVault, you will need to be logged into the SmartVault Connected Desktop. Find out how to install the SmartVault Connected Desktop software.

Uploading Files from TaxCalc

  1. From TaxCalc, select View > PDF Viewing > Use TaxCalc Viewer.
  2. Click Print and then choose the SmartVault PDF Printer.
  3. Select Connected Desktop. The client and folder the PDF file will be sent to displays. If necessary, go back to Connected Desktop and select a different client and folder in which to send the PDF file.

    The document is sent from the Connected Desktop as a PDF file to the folder you selected. The PDF file is automatically named from the document’s file name in TaxCalc. If necessary, you can change this name by clicking on the file. 

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