Command Line Installation for Hosting Partners


You can install the SmartVault for Windows Desktop Client software (also known as the "SmartVault client" or "WDC") using command-line options. These options allow SmartVault Hosting partners to modify the installation behavior of the SmartVault Desktop software.

If you are a SmartVault Hosting partner, please review the following information before you begin using the SmartVault Desktop software command-line options:

Before you Begin

  • Ensure System Compatibility: Your machines must meet the minimum requirements to run the SmartVault Desktop. This step is crucial to avoid any compatibility issues.
  • Review Command-Line Options: Before running the SmartVault Desktop software installer in silent mode, review all command-line options to ensure the installer will use the settings you want. Some command-line options are only available to certain types of partners.
  • Be Mindful of Existing Settings: Any pre-existing settings may be replaced if you run the install file without reviewing/editing the command-line options. You may experience unintended effects as a result.
  • Modifying Post-Installation Settings: If you need to change settings specified during an installation, you can reinstall to change the settings or, in some cases, directly change the settings by editing registry values.
  • Support and Assistance: If you have questions about the command-line installation or encounter issues, please get in touch with our SmartVault Support for guidance and assistance.

Understanding the SmartVault Desktop Software Installer

The SmartVault Desktop Client installation package is created using Install Aware Studio software. Packages created by Install Aware Studio can be installed in a silent (quiet) mode using a command-line /s switch. Install Aware Studio does not support the concept of an answer file for silent installation. Still, it does allow some standard and custom variable values to be passed as arguments to the installer.

If there is an instance of a SmartVault Desktop client running on the computer, the installer will exit without installing.

By default, quiet mode already expects the target install directory to exist unless you specify FOLDERANS=YES

For more information about this option, see FOLDERANS=YES/NO.

SmartVault Desktop Software Command-Line Options

The SmartVault Desktop software supports the command-line options listed in this section.

Note: Program file locations are different for 32-bit and 64-bit hosts. 64-bit Windows uses %programfiles(x86)%SmartVault for 32-bit applications. Any registry key values referred to in this section may be located in the Wow6432Node registry path on computers running 64-bit Windows.

/s — Recommended option. This option runs the SmartVault Desktop software installation in silent mode. (No installation UI displays.)

/l="" — Recommended option, especially when running in silent mode. This option enables logging to the specified path and file location.

/DISABLEUPDATES — Recommended for SmartVault Hosting partners only. If used, this switch disables the automatic update feature for the SmartVault Desktop software. NOTE: This switch also disables the menu that includes the Fix QuickBooks Registration option.


    • This adds the registry entry at: HKLMSoftwareSmartVaultDisableUpdates with a value of = 1
    • The existence of the key, regardless of data, disables updates.

TARGETDIR ="" — This option specifies the target directory for the installation.

Note: If the target directory does not exist, you must supply FOLDERANS=YES to create it.

FOLDERANS=YES/NO — Recommended value: YES. If 'yes,' the installer creates the target directory if it does not already exist. If 'no' and the path doesn't exist, the installer exits.

ALLUSERS=TRUE/FALSE — Recommended value: TRUE. Specifies the application access mode other than the default.

INBOXSHORTCUT=TRUE/FALSE — Recommended value: TRUE. Specifies whether or not to create a SmartVault Inbox shortcut on the Windows Desktop.

LAUNCHPADSHORTCUT=TRUE/FALSE — Recommended value: FALSE. Specifies whether or not to create a SmartVault Launchpad shortcut on the Windows Desktop.

PORTALSHORTCUT=TRUE/FALSE — Recommended value: TRUE. Specifies whether or not to create a SmartVault client portal shortcut on the Windows Desktop.

OPENLAUNCHPAD=TRUE/FALSE — Recommended value: FALSE. Specifies whether or not to open the SmartVault Launchpad after the installation is complete.

SHOWSIGNUP=TRUE/FALSE — Recommended value: TRUE. This value enables or disables the 'Sign Up' capability from the SmartVault Desktop client. If not specified, the value defaults to FALSE.

SHOWSIGNUPTOALLUSERS=TRUE/FALSE — Recommended value: TRUE. This value works in conjunction with the SHOWSIGNUP option. It enables or disables the 'Sign Up' capability from the SmartVault Desktop client for all Windows users. If False, only the installing user will see sign-up. If True, every Windows user will see sign up. If not specified, the value defaults to False.


    • This affects the registry entry at: HKLMSoftwareSmartVaultSignUpShowSignup, where ‘False’ = disabled, ‘True’ = ‘enabled’ and non-existence = ‘False’.
    • This affects only one user unless combined with the SHOWSIGNUPTOALLUSERS option.
    • This affects the registry entry at: HKLMSoftwareSmartVaultSignUpShowSignupToAllUsers, where ‘False’ = disabled, ‘True’ = ‘enabled’ and non-existence = ‘False’.
    • When enabled, each user has a registry key to determine whether or not to show for that specific user. For more information about this option, see Option Additional Information.

SHOWOFFER=TRUE/FALSE — Recommended value: TRUE. This value works in conjunction with the SHOWSIGNUP option. It shows or suppresses partner information on the 'Sign Up' Desktop client dialog. If True, partner information is shown. If False, it's not shown. If not specified, the value defaults to FALSE.

Note: This affects the registry entry at: HKLMSoftwareSmartVaultSignUpShowOffer, where ‘False’ = disabled (show simplified dialog), ‘True’ = enabled (show Partner info), and nonexistence = ‘False’.

REFERRALCODE= — For participants in SmartVault partner programs (SmartAffiliates, Solution Providers, Development partners, Hosting partners). When a Windows user signs up for SmartVault from the SmartVault website, this value gives referral credit to the specified code owner. If not specified, no referral is given.

Note: This affects the registry entry at: HKLMSoftwareSmartVaultSignUpReferralCode

PARTNERNAME="" — Works in conjunction with the SHOWOFFER option. If SHOWOFFER is True, this value is used in the Desktop client 'Sign Up' UI. If not specified, the UI defaults to use 'SmartVault.'

Note: This affects the registry entry at: HKLMSoftwareSmartVaultSignUpPartnerName

LEARNMOREURL="" — Works in conjunction with the SHOWOFFER option. If SHOWOFFER is True, this value is used in the Desktop client 'Sign Up' UI for the 'Learn More' URL. If not specified, the UI defaults to use

Note: This affects the registry entry at: HKLMSoftwareSmartVaultSignUpLearnMoreUrl

FIRSTNAME="" — Used by Development partners only. This is used when passing user information into the SmartVault Desktop installer to pre-populate some sign-up information.

Note: This affects the registry entry at: HKLMSoftwareSmartVaultSignUpFirstName

LASTNAME="" — Used by Development partners only. This is used when passing user information into the SmartVault Desktop installer to pre-populate some sign-up information.

Note: This affects the registry entry at: HKLMSoftwareSmartVaultSignUpLastName

EMAIL="" — Used by Development partners only. This is used when passing user information into the SmartVault Desktop installer to pre-populate some sign-up information.

Note: This affects the registry entry at: HKLMSoftwareSmartVaultSignUpEmail

PHONE="" — Used by Development partners only. This is used when passing user information into the SmartVault Desktop installer to pre-populate some sign-up information.

Note: This affects the registry entry at: HKLMSoftwareSmartVaultSignUpPhone

COMPANYNAME="" — Used by Development partners only. This is used when passing user information into the SmartVault Desktop installer to pre-populate some sign-up information.


    • This value is used as the SmartVault account name when signing up.
    • This affects the registry entry at: HKLMSoftwareSmartVaultSignUpCompanyName

Option Additional Information

The SHOWSIGNUPTOALLUSERS option determines whether 'Sign up' is shown and tracked for a single user or independently for all users.

This capability is designed for Hosting partners deploying the SmartVault Desktop software on servers where multiple Windows users log in.

If SHOWSIGNUPTOALLUSERS is disabled, 'Sign up' capability is only shown to one user, and when that user completes sign up or sign in, future 'Sign up' prompts are suppressed.

If enabled for all users, sign-up will be shown for every Windows user and tracked on a per-user basis in the user's registry.

This is tracked by the registry entry at: HKey_Current_UserSoftwareSmartVaultSignUpShowSignup, where 'False' = doesn't show sign up, 'True' = does show sign up, and non-existence = 'True'.

Command-Line Options Specific to Hosting Partners

SmartVault Hosting partners leverage a subset of command-line options, many targeted at controlling the sign-up capabilities available from the SmartVault Desktop software.

Before hosting partners install the SmartVault Desktop software from a command line, a few business and technical decisions must typically be made. SmartVault recommends that Hosting partners consider the following questions to help them design the SmartVault Desktop software deployment plan appropriate for their environment:

  • Do you want to allow your hosted users to update the version of the SmartVault Desktop software? If not, then you'll want to disable updates.
  • Do you want SmartVault Desktop software shortcut icons on every user's desktop? If not, then you'll want to disable each shortcut.
  • Do you want to enable SmartVault Desktop software 'sign up' capabilities? If yes, you want to show sign-up.
  • When enabling sign-up, which referral code should be used for sign-ups?
  • When enabling sign-up, do you want to show the 'offer' text? If yes, you'll need a little company-specific information.
  • What URL do you want to use for the "Learn More" link when showing the offer?

The answers to these questions will determine which command-line parameters to use and Hoster-specific values for them. Generally, SmartVault recommends using the following options:

    • DISABLEUPDATES – Hosting partners want to control software updates on hosts in most hosted environments. If this statement is true in your environment, disable SmartVault Desktop software updates. NOTE: This switch also disables the menu that includes the Fix QuickBooks Registration option.
    • OPENLAUNCHPAD=FALSE – Use this option so SmartVault does not launch upon installation finish.
    • SHOWSIGNUP and SHOWSIGNUPTOALLUSERS – Use these options to enable Sign Up.
    • REFERRALCODE – Ensure sign-ups are linked to your partner referral code.
    • SHOWOFFER – Use this option to enable showing offer text on the sign-up dialog.
    • PARTNERNAME – Use this option to show your company's name on the offer dialog.
    • LEARNMOREURL – Use this option to specify the web page you want to display when users click the Learn More link.

SmartVault recommends working with SmartVault Support and the SmartVault Hosting Program Manager to ensure you choose the best parameters for your business.

Command-Line Examples for SmartVault Hosting Partners

This section provides some command-line examples for SmartVault Hosting partners.

Example 1: Command-Line for a Hosting Partner Installing on 32-bit Windows

Highlights of this example are:

  • Disables updates, so hosted users are not prompted to update the SmartVault Desktop software
  • Places three shortcuts on every user's desktop
  • Enables sign-up for all users, so every Windows user is shown the sign-up prompt
  • Shows offer text on the sign-up dialog so the Hosting company name is shown
  • Uses the partner's referral code
  • Specifies a URL to the hosting partner's website

SmartVaultSetup /s /l="%TEMP%\smartvaultinstall.log" /DISABLEUPDATES
REFERRALCODE=HostingPartnerCode PARTNERNAME="HostingPartnerName,

Example 2: Command-Line Installation for a Hosting Partner Installing on 64-bit Windows

Highlights of this example are:

  • Disables updates, so hosted users are not prompted to update the SmartVault Desktop software
  • Places three shortcuts on every user's desktop
  • Enables sign-up for all users, so every Windows user is shown the sign-up prompt
  • Shows offer text on the sign-up dialog so the Hosting company name is shown
  • Uses the partner's referral code
  • Specifies a URL to the hosting partner's website

SmartVaultSetup /s /l="%TEMP%\smartvaultinstall.log" /DISABLEUPDATES
TARGETDIR="%programfiles(x86)\%SmartVault" FOLDERANS=YES
REFERRALCODE=HostingPartnerCode PARTNERNAME="HostingPartnerName,

Example 3: Command-line for a Hosting Partner installing on 64-bit Windows

Highlights of this example are:

  • Disables updates, so hosted users are not prompted to update the SmartVault Desktop software
  • Places three shortcuts on every user's desktop
  • Enables sign up for all users, so every Windows user is shown the sign up prompt
  • Does not show offer text on the sign-up dialog and thus does not display the Hosting partner name or Learn More URL

SmartVaultSetup /s /l="%TEMP%\smartvaultinstall.log" /DISABLEUPDATES
TARGETDIR="%programfiles(x86)%\SmartVault" FOLDERANS=YES

Example 4: Command-line for an IT team deploying SmartVault Desktop internally on 64-bit Windows

Highlights of this example are:

  • Disables updates, so hosted users are not prompted to update the SmartVault Desktop software
  • Places three shortcuts on every user's desktop
  • Enables sign up for all users, so every Windows user is shown the sign up prompt

SmartVaultSetup /s /l="%TEMP%\smartvaultinstall-update-2.log" /DISABLEUPDATES
TARGETDIR="%programfiles(x86)%\SmartVault" FOLDERANS=YES ALLUSERS=TRUE

Retired SmartVault Desktop Software Command-Line Options

The options in this section are effectively retired and no longer used.

RESELLERID= — This value should be your Reseller ID, and each Reseller has a unique value.


    • This affects the registry entry at: HKLMSoftwareSmartVaultResellerId
    • Although this value continues to work, the Reseller Program from 2009 has been retired, and this key is not needed.


If you have questions regarding this page, please contact our Support Team.

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