Uploading a TaxCalc eSign Envelope to SmartVault


When you need formal approval from your client, use TaxCalc eSign Centre to pack your documents into an eSign envelope and send it for signature. Once the signing process is complete, you can upload your signed document to the Document Manager in just a few simple steps. 

Find out how to install the SmartVault desktop software

Uploading a TaxCalc eSign Envelope

  1. Log in to TaxCalc and launch eSign Centre.
  2. Select eSign Envelope and click Open Envelope from the task panel.
  3. Click Check and Finish.
  4. Select Save Documents.
  5. The Save Signed Documents window appears. Click Browse and navigate to your SmartVault folder, either your SmartVault Mapped Drive (browse Clients, select the client and the subfolder), or your Upload to SmartVault folder within Documents (e.g., C:/users/username/Documents/Upload to SmartVault).
  6. Click Download. The following message displays:
    ‘Save Signed Documents. Documents successfully saved at drive:/users/yourname/Documents/Upload to SmartVault.’
  7. Click OK. The Upload File to SmartVault window appears.
  8. Select one of the following options:
    • Connected Desktop – Select the folder in the Connected Desktop where the document should be placed.
    • Auto-Filer – Tag and automatically send documents to the appropriate folder.
  9. Click Upload. A message confirming the upload is complete appears.
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