Changing a Lacerte or ProSeries Client ID in SmartVault


Important Note

If you're experiencing challenges with client data related to a married couple getting divorced, please refer to one of the following articles depending on your tax application:

This action will ensure you are following the correct procedure for separated or divorced clients and maintaining the privacy and integrity of their data.

Learn how to update Lacerte or ProSeries client IDs in SmartVault, ensuring seamless integration with Intuit's tax applications for efficient document management and data accuracy. Occasionally, you may need to update client IDs in SmartVault to align with the most recent IDs in Lacerte or ProSeries.

Multiple factors can contribute to client ID changes in Lacerte or ProSeries, including:

  • Filing status change – For instance, if a client gets married, they will receive a new client ID for their joint return with their spouse.
  • You switch tax programs – Clients might be assigned new client IDs when switching tax programs.
  • You have to rebuild your Lacerte/ProSeries database – This could generate new client IDs if you need to rebuild your Lacerte or ProSeries database.

Steps to Change Lacerte or ProSeries Client ID in SmartVault

Step 1: Export the Client's Data

  1. Open the SmartVault Connected Desktop and sign in to your SmartVault account.
  2. Locate the client whose ID you want to modify, right-click on it, and choose Export data.
  3. In Export Data - SmartVault, click Browse, choose a location for the client data and click Save.
  4. Click Next and wait for the Completed message next to the client's name. 
  5. Click Exit.

Step 2: Delete the Client

  1. In the Connected Desktop, right-click on the client's name again and select Delete client.

Step 3: Update and Renumber Client ID in Lacerte or ProSeries

  1. Assign a new client ID/File Number to the record. 

Step 4: Import the Client with the New ID

  1. From the Connected Desktop, go to File > Import Data.
  2. Import the client with the newly assigned client ID from Lacerte or ProSeries.

Step 5: Create Client Engagements

  1. Create client engagements for each year you had initially.

Step 6: Restore the Client's Data

  1. Drag and drop the client data from the locally saved backup you created in Step 1.3 to the Connected Desktop. 

This process will help you maintain an organized and current client list. If you require further support, contact us.

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