Changing a Seasonal Worker to an Employee


If you want to extend the time a seasonal worker can access your SmartVault account, you can delete their license and add them as an Account or Assigned employee.

You must have an available user license to add an employee to your account. 

Each employee in your SmartVault account uses one user license. You can view your license usage information and purchase additional user licenses at any time.

Changing a Seasonal Worker to an Employee in SmartVault

  1. Sign in to the SmartVault Portal.
  2. Select Manage Employees from the left navigation.
  3. Locate your seasonal worker and click the Delete Employee icon Delete_icon.png for the seasonal worker.
    You will receive a message confirming the seasonal worker has been deleted. 


    The employee, the employee's vault, and their assignments to clients are removed from your account. If needed, you can re-assign them clients once you create them as an Account or Assigned Employee.

  4. Check the license usage information bar to ensure you have available licenses and proceed to create the employee as an Account or Assigned Employee.


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