May 2024 Release Notes


 Release Date: May 30, 2024

What's new?

Client Invitation from Connected Desktop

Users can now invite clients directly from the Connected Desktop application, eliminating the need to switch between it and the online Portal. The update simplifies daily operations and improves user efficiency, allowing Firm users to manage client interactions efficiently within the Connected Desktop environment.

Archive Completed Request Docs

All firm users can now archive Request Docs directly from the dashboard once marked as "Complete."
RD - Archive Request.png

Key Highlights:

  • Archive Option: The Actions menu on the Request Docs dashboard now includes an Archive option, but only for Request Docs marked as "Complete."
  • Restricted Visibility: The Archive option will not appear for Request Docs that are not marked as "Complete," ensuring clarity and preventing accidental archiving.

This update enhances the functionality and user experience by providing an easy method to archive completed documents, thus supporting better organization and efficiency within SmartVault.

Guest Access to Archived Request Docs

Guest users can now view their archived Request Docs directly from their portal once marked as "Complete."

Key Highlights:

  • Visibility of Archived Request Docs: The archived Request Docs are displayed by checking the Show Completed box.
    GV - Request Docs - Show Completed.png

  • Indicator: Archived requests appear at the bottom of the completed Requested Docs list, clearly marked with the RD - Archived Label.png label for easy identification.

What was updated?

Improved Status Messages

We've enhanced the user interface for status messages in the Request Docs form to ensure clarity and usability.

Key Improvements:

  • Non-overlapping Messages: When submitting a Request Docs form, the success message disappears after 4 seconds, preventing overlap.
  • Persistent Upload Messages: Success messages for file uploads will remain until the user clicks the "X" to close them.

Enhanced Clarity in the Upload Window

The Upload file here window for admins and guest users has been updated with clear instructional text to improve the user experience. Previously, the text was incomplete, reading "Drag and drop your files anywhere or," which led to confusion among users.

Upload file here - before.png

Now, the window includes a complete sentence and a "Upload a file" button identifiable as a clickable element. This enhancement makes the file-uploading experience seamless and straightforward for all users.

Upload file here - after.png

Multi-Selection Features on Request Docs Dashboard

To improve efficiency in managing Request Docs, we've introduced checkboxes that allow you to select multiple documents directly from the dashboard for streamlined batch processing. This new feature enables you to perform various actions on requests chosen quickly.

Key Features:

  • Checkboxes for Selection: Easily select multiple Request Docs from the dashboard.
  • Actions Button: An ellipses button is located at the far right of the dashboard's header row. This button provides access to bulk actions for the selected Request Docs.
    RD - Actions header row.png

Bulk Actions Available:

  • Mark as Done: If all selected requests are in the "Submitted" state.
  • Archive: If all selected requests are in the "Completed" state.
  • Send Reminder: If all selected requests are in the "Sent" or "Active" state.

These improvements aim to make managing your Request Docs more efficient and user-friendly.

Improvements to the Guest/Client Activation Page

We have improved the text and user interface on the guest/client activation page to provide better clarity and confidence to new users during the registration process.

The page now includes the name of the vault or folder being shared, the name of the user with whom it is being shared, and the name of the person who is sharing it.

Updated Help Link in Guest View

We've enhanced the support experience for our guest and client users. Clicking the Help (?) icon in the Guest View now directs to the Using SmartVault as a Guest User article in our Help Center, ensuring guests and clients access relevant information quickly and easily.

What was fixed?

Navigation to DocuSign Account Selector Page

We have resolved an issue where users could not access the DocuSign Account Selector page through the user interface. With the fix, users can now easily navigate to the integrations page and select their desired DocuSign account without any trouble.


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